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tv   11 News at Noon  NBC  December 6, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> if you are watching wbal -- wbal. >> welcome everyone turned and sarah caldwell. baltimore county police are investigating a deadly early morning house fire in baldwin. one of our viewers sent this video from the 6600 block of
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sweet air road. it took firefighters more than two hours to get the flames under control. water had to be shuttled because there are no hydrants in the area. 62-year-old william spencer was pronounced dead at the scene. new and noon, baltimore county police are investigating a deadly accident in thousand on east joppa road at prince road just before 8:00 this morning. the driver struck a utility poll and was pronounced dead on the scene. a police officer is recovering from a gunshot wound after a prisoner tried to escape from his custody inside a baltimore county emergency room st. joe's medical center in thousand. the 30-year-old was under police escort. at some point, hospital staff
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noticed he had a needle in his possession. when he tried to grab a hospital worker, the officer stepped in. during a struggle, the gun fired a bullet into a wall. >> either by the weapon or pepper spray, the officer did attempt to subdue the prisoner. >> police say the officer suffered only a breeze wound and nobody else was hurt. baltimore city police have made their 1000 gone a rest of the year as two officers responded and manchester avenue last night. the suspect, quincy homes, was carrying a semi-automatic weapon. the new commissioner used the moment to call on lawmakers to help kill the keep the streets
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even -- to help keep the streets even safer. >> if we can improve the laws we have, as we go into the legislative time, this is an opportunity. this is an example. if we were together, we could make a dramatic difference. >> mayor stephanie rawlings- blake also congratulated the department. police are investigating three shootings that happened overnight. the latest was on a london street around 2:30 this morning. one male victim was suffering from a gunshot wound. 90 minutes before that, officers responded in west baltimore where one male was shot. detectives are also investigating a third shooting on the 500 block of bloom street. one man was reportedly shot. there is no word on the condition of the victims. the baltimore county police officer charged in the death of
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a randallstown teenager is back in court. criminal motion hearings begin today in the death of 17--old christopher brown. police say there was a confrontation when browned fell unconscious. he had been with a group of teenagers that reportedly threw rocks at the officers front door. the trial is set to begin next tuesday. >> nice, bright day today. a big difference in temperatures. struggling to get out of the 30's, into the 40's. we started the morning in the 20's. wide picture, nothing going on. plenty of sunshine. no clouds. a couple of showers in carolina, kentucky and tennessee, but what catches your eye is the distance in the great lakes that will plague us all weekend long,
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starting tomorrow with a ring chance. today, we see the sun shine in chilly temperatures. eventually, temperatures come up, and i will be tell it all coming up. >> today, the winner martin o'malley signed several proclamations' regarding -- governor martin o'malley signed several proclamations regarding last month's election, including the same-sex marriage law. couples waited in line for the montgomery county clerk's office to open so they could get a post-dated marriage license. while a lot is not official until january 1, the status allowing couples looking to widen on new year's day to get their license. we are a few months away from table games, but casinos are still ranking in cash. -- raking in cash.
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maryland live accounted for 34 foreign -- $34.4 million. hollywood casino in perryville generated $5.4 million. the casino at ocean downs cashed in $3.3 million, a seven-point increase from the month before. no deal yet on the fiscal cliff, so why are so many lawmakers had enough of washington? later, we are joined with a later, we are joined with a hyundai -- holiday-themed
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>> negotiations in washington are up in the air and with nothing to vote on most lawmakers are headed home for the weekend, but legislators are likely to get an earful about their lack of progress. >> lawmakers getting a lot of washington while they can. >> we have heard eric cantor and house republicans forcing members to be in town for the christmas holiday if the deal is not done before that. >> leave us alone. >> these are the frustrated constituents they will face it
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social security jobs are cut. >> there will be backlog and disabilities will skyrocket. processing times will skyrocket. >> the few lawmakers left on capitol hill will get some advice when economist mark zandi testifies, and more fallout according to the treasury secretary. >> his did administration prepared to go after the fiscal cliff? >> absolutely. >> a source tells of president obama and john boehner spoke by phone. >> we cannot negotiate by ourselves. >> the hold up right now is that speaker boehner took a position, i think the day after the campaign, but said we're willing to bring in revenue but not increase rates. >> gridlock, 26 days and counting.
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>> no word on what the president and speaker boehner discussed, but given the fact that there has not been progress, just the fact they were on the phone represents a small development. >> still to come, he has been through hundreds of deals and no deals, has decided if america has talent, and now he is taking it all. howie mandel joins us about his new holiday game show. >> sunshine. clouds to the northwest. that is what we will watch. watch.
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>> now, your insta-weather-plus forecast with meteorologist john collins. >> a quick look at the radar, in closer, and we do not have clouds. southwest virginia, west and north carolina, a few sprinkles and showers. in the edge of the screen on the great lakes you could see something happening, too, and it is pushing in our direction. this disturbance will be here for awhile starting tomorrow. the other story, the temperatures. we started in the 20. and 30's. at the airport, it is still 38 degrees. 39 winchester town and elton. 38 in parton. frederick, 35. 30's in western maryland.
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it is chilly. sunshine now. to the west there is a storm system. the center of the energy it is in canada. at the moment, tail end of the storm is producing moisture in the great lakes but not much further south. when it comes into the area it will lay here for awhile. it will lead the big rainmaker, but it will pester us, and that does not mean we will have rain, but the threat will hang over our heads. today, visually, the nicest day. lots of sunshine. 49 is the average high. we are on target. number wind will be light. on the bay, east becoming southeast. a light breeze.
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a wonderful chop. they-area temperatures in the mid-to-upper-40. . here is the insta-weather futurecast. dry conditions offshore. activity to the southwest. stuff begins to close in on us by tomorrow. tomorrow morning, elements of the first weather system coming in. a chance for a little rain shower activity according to this computer model. others have it coming later. they all agree on the trend of increasing rain chances. it is a matter of timing. we will go for the morning. then, that passes, and most of the rain by friday evening will be north or south of us. saturday, the disturbance is
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still there. most of the rain is some problems. there is a shower activity in pennsylvania, canada and parts of new england. the system is with us through the weekend, though we might see some clearing on sunday before the final part of the system comes through monday. this is the seven-day forecast. 47 today. 49 tomorrow. rain chances go up tomorrow. saturday, sunday, and monday, they are there, but not all the time. there will be stretches where it will be cloudy or partly cloudy. 60 monday,end, 50's, then the final cold front that could be strong. >> he is done with the deals and no deals, and now he is taking it off. howie mandel is back with a new game show called "take it all."
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thank you for being with us. >> my pleasure. >> lots of ways to win and steal someone else's prize? >> it is kind of like "secret santa." you could pick a gift, and if somebody wants the gift, they could take it or go back into the pile. you want to strategizing. whoever has the least valuable prize at the end of the round will lose and go home with absolutely nothing. that is the strategy. they are taking from each other. the prizes are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. there are new mercedes, homes, hovercraft's -- things you cannot even imagine. when it is down to two people, they have to face off and decide whether they will keep what they have, where one might try to
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risk it in -- and take it all. >> what do you like so much about game shows? you have done this before. >> i do not like game shows. i like "deal or no deal" because you did not need to know trivia or have a skill. this is the same thing. you are watching people. you can sit there with your entire family. trivia shows and game shows, i feel like ibm out of it if i do not know the subject. this is just people being human. you can guess is they are lying, bluffing, are they playing the game, stealing -- it is an amazing game. we all played something like this.
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>> your taking the prize is out of your own beer rushed? >> yes, i have hovercraft and submarines. no, i wish. i've never seen prices like this in my life. >> craziest holiday gift you have never gotten? >> a $3 gift certificate for a kite store. >> that is definitely crazy kid >> i bought half of a school of kete string. >> great to have you. >> i look forward to doing the show. >> howie mandel. catch "take it all" next week. coming up next, your maryland lottery numbers, and dr. patrick allen answers your pet
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questions. e-mail them to pet questions, wbal, 3800 hooper avenue, baltimore, maryland, 21211 -- baltimore, maryland, 21211 --
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it's about getting fios. that moment after you finally got it, that you actually get it. when you can see blades of artificial grass in their full glory, you get it. or the first time you download a two-hour movie in two minutes, you get it. because once you've got it, you get it. now you can get fios for an amazing price online, just $79.99 a month with a two year agreement. act now and you'll also get $300 back. hurry. this holiday deal ends soon. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities go to at 800-974-6006 tty/v. once you've got it, you get it.
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>> dr. patrick allen is here to answer your pet questions with a sneak morkie -- suite -- sweet
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morkie. he is really nice. he was skittish at first. nice to have you. let's get to some questions. i love to make christmas cookies and i am always tempted to share them with our dogs. i wonder if there are any approved holiday treats. >> any people food -- we are always tempted at dinner time or the holidays, but unfortunately we will be the bad guy and tell you not to. they do have a lot of different things specifically for dogs. you could pick them and they become the they come decorated and all that stuff -- they come decorated tent >> my new puppy is trying to eat the
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poinsettias. are the flowers dangerous? >> our big issue is with cats more so than dogs, but they could still cause upsetting. tests could be more dangerous. either do not have them, or have them up high or go with the artificial variety. >> mine are on top of the refrigerator. last question about a cat. she thinks the ribbon on the christmas tree is her own personal point. >> definitely get it out of reach. ribbons and strings are the hardest to deal with. they love to play with them. >> thank you. happy holidays. if you have a question, e-mail
12:26 pm, or visit our web site, now, you're maryland lottery midday numbers. ♪ >> the maryland lottery let yourself play ♪ >> good afternoon, maryland. you are picked three numbers are. 7 2 5 725. in a moment, the pick four, but first, this is your favorite lottery we tether and play today. your pick four numbers are --90 16.
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9016 -- the maryland lottery, let yourself play. >> john is back. it has gotten dramatically colder. >> actually where we belong. it is just hard to give up on t be raining. weekend, then go down again. we have rain chances friday, saturday, sunday. a big chunk of the time it will not be raining. it will resolve itself monday with maybe a thunderstorm. a big chunk of the time it will not be raining. it will resolve itself monday with maybe a thunderstorm. not totally done with the mild stuff yet. >> thank you. thank you for joining us.
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>> have a great day.
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